Adriana Michel Adriana Michel

Time is Money

When a client books an appointment slot, they are purchasing time with me. If the client doesn’t honor their appointment scheduling, they are costing me that time.

I want to express my gratitude to all of my loyal clients who have supported me over the years.

Unfortunately, I have noticed an increase in no-shows and late clients. As a barber, my income is solely based on the services I provide to my clients, and when a client schedules an appointment, they are purchasing my time. When a client fails to show up or arrives late, it costs me that valuable time. I understand that mistakes happen, but I ask that when you schedule an appointment, you do your best to keep it and arrive on time.

My promise to my clients is to always provide high-quality and consistent barber services. By showing up for your appointment on time, I will have ample time to execute the haircut you requested to the best of my abilities. I take great pride in my craft and expertise and if visiting the shop is not an option for you, I offer house calls as an alternative. Booking a house call not only saves you time but also provides convenience.

For more information about house calls, please refer to my recent post.

To book an appointment for a haircut or house call, please visit my website at

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Adriana Michel Adriana Michel

Why You Should Book A House Call

When you are a busy professional– you don’t have time to step away and get a haircut in the barbershop. In just a few taps of your iPhone, you can book a house call with me – Red The Barber and I will bring the barbershop to your home or office.

In our fast-paced lives, particularly in Silicon Valley, time is a precious commodity. As a busy professional, finding the time to step away for a haircut can be challenging. Fortunately, with just a few taps on your iPhone, you can book a house call with me - Red The Barber, and have the barbershop experience brought to your home or office.

Booking a house call saves you time and energy. Instead of dealing with traffic, finding a parking spot, and waiting in a barbershop, you can schedule a house call and use that time to focus on things that create value. Your time is valuable, and dealing with errands can be better spent on other things. I guarantee that all house calls will be done promptly, allowing you to get back to what you do best.

House calls are particularly convenient for those with limited mobility, or for people who struggle to make it to the barbershop regularly. Finding in-home haircuts is usually easy, and it eliminates the need to find excuses to put off your next trim.

House calls guarantee consistent quality haircuts. Whether I'm at your home, office, or at a special event like a wedding, I always bring my complete collection of barber equipment and will be ready to provide you with a quality haircut, efficiently and promptly. The house call haircut will be just as good as the one you would get in the barbershop.

Booking a house call is easy - simply visit and request your appointment. Cuts can be done at home, the office, or on-site for special occasions. The service will always include a cut, style, straight razor around the ears and back of the neck, with additional services available for an extra fee.

Book a house call with Red The Barber next time you want to feel your best.

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